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Programming Sound and Speech
Video about sound and speech (11:40)

This video covers many of the sound-specific features and commands available in TI BASIC, Extended BASIC, and assembly language, as well as TI's Speech Synthesizer peripheral. The examples of the computer's sound and speech operations are shown using a combination of a real 4A console and the Classic99 emulator.

We look at:

  • The computer's sound controller, the TMS9919/SN94624
  • The tone and noise channels of the sound system
  • Sound commands and features in BASIC and Extended BASIC
  • Using music frequencies
  • The ways that sound is used in TI game cartridges
  • The Speech Synthesizer's processor, the TMS5220
  • Text-to-speech with Terminal Emulator II
  • Resident vocabulary speech with Extended BASIC
  • 5220 Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) overview
  • Composing new speech with Extended BASIC
  • Speech emulation deficiencies


A demonstration of using the three tone channels.

10 CALL SCREEN(2) 20 CALL COLOR(2,7,1) 25 CALL CHAR(42,"1018141272F4F060") 30 CALL CLEAR 40 Y=40000 50 Z=40000 60 X=INT(RND*1000)+200 70 PRINT 80 CALL HCHAR(23,(X-200)*0.03+1,42) 90 FOR A=0 TO 20 STEP 2 100 CALL COLOR(2,A/2+3,1) 110 CALL SOUND(-500,X,30-A,Y,ABS(A-10),Z,10+A) 120 NEXT A 130 Z=Y 140 Y=X 150 GOTO 60


A demonstration of tone and noise channels with sprites.

10 CALL CLEAR 20 CALL CHAR(128,"3C7EFFFFFFFF7E3C") 30 CALL CHAR(129,"301C7E3FFC3FFC65") 40 CALL CHAR(130,"0000085C1F070000") 50 CALL CHAR(131,"0200C7F4D6C48800") 60 CALL SCREEN(15) 70 CALL COLOR(2,16,16) 80 CALL HCHAR(18,1,42,224) 85 F=2500 90 FOR A=30 TO 0 STEP -3 100 CALL SOUND(-100,2500-(A*10),A) 110 NEXT A 120 CALL SPRITE(#1,128,9,1,128,20,0) 130 CALL SPRITE(#2,130,1,160,128) 140 CALL SPRITE(#3,131,1,160,128) 150 CALL SOUND(-200,F,0) 160 CALL COINC(#1,#2,6,X) 170 IF X=-1 THEN 200 180 F=F-25 190 GOTO 150 200 CALL COLOR(#2,9) 210 CALL COLOR(#3,9) 215 CALL PATTERN(#1,129) 220 CALL MOTION(#1,0,0) 230 CALL MOTION(#2,3,-15) 232 CALL MOTION(#3,3,15) 240 CALL SOUND(-200,-5,0) 250 CALL SOUND(-200,-6,0) 260 CALL SOUND(-200,-7,0) 270 CALL MOTION(#2,0,0) 280 CALL MOTION(#3,0,0) 290 DISPLAY AT(15,5):"NOW YOU'VE DONE IT" 1000 GOTO 1000


This program demonstrates keeping the music note frequencies in an array and storing a song in an array.

10 CALL CLEAR 20 CALL SOUND(-4000,932,8) 30 REM ** START ** 40 PRINT "OOHHHHHHHH..." 50 GOSUB 110 60 DU=100 70 READ Q::ON Q+1 GOSUB 160,130,140,150,90 80 PRINT "BLAH ";::GOTO 70 90 PRINT "OKAY THAT'S ALL" 100 END 110 REM ** MUSIC ** 120 TRT=2^(1/12)::DIM NV(73)::NV(0)=131::FOR A=1 TO 72::NV(A)=NV(A-1)*TRT::NEXT A::RETURN 130 READ N1::CALL SOUND(-DU,NV(N1),0)::RETURN 140 READ N1,N2::CALL SOUND(-DU,NV(N1),0,NV(N2),0)::RETURN 150 READ N1,N2,N3::CALL SOUND(-DU,NV(N1),0,NV(N2),0,NV(N3),0)::RETURN 160 CALL SOUND(DU,4E4,30)::RETURN 170 DATA 2,39,3 180 DATA 1,41 190 DATA 3,42,18,22 200 DATA 1,44 210 DATA 2,46,8 220 DATA 1,44 230 DATA 3,42,22,25 240 DATA 1,41 250 DATA 2,39,6 260 DATA 1,42 270 DATA 3,47,18,27 280 DATA 1,42 290 DATA 2,51,11 300 DATA 1,49 310 DATA 3,47,21,27 320 DATA 1,46 330 DATA 2,44,5 340 DATA 1,42 350 DATA 3,41,18,27 360 DATA 1,39 370 DATA 2,38,10 380 DATA 1,47 390 DATA 3,46,18,26 400 DATA 1,41 410 DATA 2,44,10 420 DATA 1,42 430 DATA 3,41,20,22 440 DATA 1,42 450 DATA 2,39,15 460 DATA 0 470 DATA 2,46,10 480 DATA 0 490 DATA 3,51,22,30 500 DATA 0 510 DATA 4

TEIISPEAK (TI BASIC with Speech Synthesizer & Terminal Emulator II inserted)

This program accepts input of words and phrases to speak using the text-to-speech features in the TEII cartridge.

10 CALL CLEAR 20 OPEN #1:"SPEECH",OUTPUT 30 PRINT "TEII SPEECH EXAMPLE" 40 PRINT 50 CALL SOUND(-700,4E4,30) 60 INPUT A$ 70 IF A$="" THEN 90 80 G$=A$ 90 IF G$="QUIT" THEN 120 100 PRINT #1:G$ 110 GOTO 50 120 END

EBSPEAK (TI Extended BASIC with Speech Synthesizer connected)

This program accepts input of words and phrases to speak words and phrases in the Speech Synthesizer's resident vocabulary.

10 CALL CLEAR 30 PRINT "EXT BASIC SPEECH EXAMPLE" 40 PRINT 50 CALL SOUND(-700,4E4,30) 60 INPUT A$ 70 IF A$="" THEN 90 80 G$=A$ 90 IF G$="QUIT" THEN 120 100 CALL SAY(G$) 110 GOTO 50 120 END

Posted in General on 2019-02-07 07:33:00.
Hits: 1963